NDN Arduino library for ESP8266 and more
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Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 CUnixTimeRetrieve and maintain UnixTime clock
 CPrintHexPrint a buffer in hexadecimal
 CEthernetTransportA transport that communicates over Ethernet
 CUdpTransportA transport that communicates over UDP tunnel or multicast group
 NContentTypeContentType assigned numbers
 NmbedtlsWrappers of Mbed TLS crypto library
 NSigTypeSignatureType assigned numbers
 NTTTLV-TYPE assigned numbers
 CPingClientPeriodically transmit Interests to test reachability
 CPingServerRespond to every incoming Interest with empty Data
 CBasicSegmentConsumerConsumer of segmented object, using a stop-and-wait algorithm
 CBasicSegmentProducerProducer of segmented object
 CRegionRegion-based memory allocator thats owns memory of NDNph objects
 CStaticRegionRegion with statically allocated memory
 CDynamicRegionRegion with dynamically allocated memory
 CWithRegionBase class of an object associated with a Region
 CInRegionBase class of an object allocated in a Region
 CRefRegionBase class of an object referencing an InRegion object
 CSimpleQueueGeneric non-thread-safe queue
 CStaticSimpleQueueSimpleQueue with statically allocated memory
 CDynamicSimpleQueueSimpleQueue with dynamically allocated memory
 CBridgeTransportVirtual transport that connects to a peer
 CFaceNetwork layer face
 CPacketHandlerBase class to receive packets from Face
 CDigestKeyDigestSha256 signing and verification
 CHmacKeyHMAC-SHA256 secret key
 CAesGcmIvHelperAES-GCM Initialization Vector generator and checker
 CKeyChainKeysFile based key pair store
 CKeyChainCertsFile based certificate store
 CKeyChainFile based key and certificate store
 CNullKeyNull signature: packet is not signed
 CPrivateKeyPrivate key
 CPublicKeyPublic key
 CValidityPeriodValidityPeriod of a certificate
 CComponentName component
 CDataData packet
 CEncryptedMessageEncrypted message structure
 CInterestInterest packet
 CNackHeaderNack header field
 CNackNack packet
 CISigInfoSignatureInfo on Interest
 CDSigInfoSignatureInfo on Data
 CKvStoreFile based key-value store
 CPacketStoreFile based packet store
 CDecoderTLV decoder
 CEncoderTLV encoder that accepts items in reverse order
 CScopedEncoderEncoder that auto-discards upon destruction
 CEvDecoderTLV decoder that understands Packet Format v0.3 evolvability guidelines