Cndnph::mbedtls::AesGcm< keyBits > | AES-GCM secret key |
Cndnph::mbedtls::AesGcm< 128 > | |
Cndnph::AesGcmIvHelper | AES-GCM Initialization Vector generator and checker |
►Cstd::array< T > | STL class |
Cndnph::isig::Nonce< nonceLength, nTrackedNonces >::Value | |
►Cndnph::ndncert::packet_struct::CaProfile | |
Cndnph::ndncert::client::CaProfile | CA profile packet |
Cndnph::ndncert::server::CaProfile | CA profile packet |
►Cndnph::ndncert::client::Challenge | Client side of a challenge |
Cndnph::ndncert::client::NopChallenge | The "nop" challenge where the server would approve every request |
Cndnph::ndncert::client::PossessionChallenge | The "possession" challenge where client must present an existing certificate |
►Cndnph::ndncert::server::Challenge | Server side of a challenge |
Cndnph::ndncert::server::NopChallenge | The "nop" challenge where the server would approve every request |
Cndnph::ndncert::server::PossessionChallenge | The "possession" challenge where client must present an existing certificate |
Cndnph::ndncert::packet_struct::ChallengeRequest< ChallengeT > | |
►Cndnph::ndncert::packet_struct::ChallengeRequest< Challenge > | |
Cndnph::ndncert::client::ChallengeRequest | CHALLENGE request packet |
Cndnph::ndncert::server::ChallengeRequest | CHALLENGE request packet |
►Cndnph::ndncert::packet_struct::ChallengeResponse | |
Cndnph::ndncert::client::ChallengeResponse | CHALLENGE response packet |
Cndnph::ndncert::server::ChallengeResponse | CHALLENGE response packet |
Cndnph::ndncert::server::ChallengeResult | |
Cndnph::port_clock_chrono::Clock | Clock implemented with std::chrono |
Cndnph::port_clock_ino::Clock | Clock implemented with Arduino API |
Cndnph::PingClient::Counters | |
Cndnph::port_ec_null::Ec::Curve | Give information about the curve |
Cndnph::detail::DataSigned | Fields in Data signature |
Cndnph::Decoder | TLV decoder |
Cndnph::EvDecoder::DefaultIsCritical | |
Cndnph::EvDecoder::DefaultUnknownCb | |
Cndnph::port_ec_mbed::Ec | |
Cndnph::port_ec_null::Ec | Stub ECDSA algorithm implementation |
Cndnph::port_ec_mbed::EcContext | |
►Cndnph::port_ec_mbed::EcKeyBase | |
Cndnph::port_ec_mbed::EcKeyGen | |
Cndnph::port_ec_mbed::EcPub | |
Cndnph::port_ec_mbed::EcPvt | |
►Cndnph::mbedtls::EcPoint | EC point |
Cndnph::mbedtls::EcCurvePoint< Curve > | EC point associated with a curve |
►Cndnph::lp::EncodableBase | Common fields during encoding |
►Cndnph::lp::Encodable< tlv::Value > | |
Cndnph::lp::Fragmenter::Fragment | Singly linked list of encodable fragments |
Cndnph::lp::Encodable< Payload > | Encodable type of an LpPacket |
►Cndnph::Encoder | TLV encoder that accepts items in reverse order |
Cndnph::ScopedEncoder | Encoder that auto-discards upon destruction |
Cndnph::isig::detail::Skip< order >::EncodeValue | |
Cndnph::EncryptedMessage< ivType, ivLen, tagType, tagLen, epType > | Encrypted message structure |
Cndnph::EvDecoder | TLV decoder that understands Packet Format v0.3 evolvability guidelines |
►Cndnph::detail::EvdElementDefBase< type, repeatable, order > | |
Cndnph::detail::EvdElementDefBool< type, repeatable, order, Fn > | |
Cndnph::detail::EvdElementDefDecodable< type, repeatable, order, Decodable > | |
Cndnph::detail::EvdElementDefIgnore< type, repeatable, order > | |
Cndnph::detail::EvdElementDefVoid< type, repeatable, order, Fn > | |
►Cndnph::detail::EvdElementDefBase< type, false, order > | |
Cndnph::detail::EvdElementDefNni< type, order, NniClass, ValueType > | |
Cesp8266ndn::FchResponse | |
Cndnph::port_fs_linux::detail::FdCloser | |
Cndnph::isig::Fields | Parsed extension fields from Interest SigInfo |
Cesp8266ndn::ndnph_port::FileStore | File storage on microcontroller filesystem |
Cndnph::port_fs_linux::FileStore | File storage on Linux filesystem |
Cndnph::port_fs_null::FileStore | File storage stub |
►Cndnph::lp::FragmentHeader | Fragment header fields |
Cndnph::lp::Fragment | Decoded fragment |
Cndnph::mbedtls::Hmac< mdType, mdSize > | HMAC algorithm |
Cesp8266ndn::ndnph_port::HmacSha256 | HMAC-SHA256 algorithm, implemented with BearSSL |
Cndnph::port_sha256_null::HmacSha256 | Stub HMAC-SHA256 algorithm implementation |
Cndnph::EncryptedMessage< ivType, ivLen, tagType, tagLen, epType >::InPlace | |
Cndnph::detail::InputIteratorPointerProxy< T > | Wrap a value to appear as InputIterator::pointer |
Cndnph::detail::InterestParams | Fields in parameterized/signed Interest |
Cndnph::port_transport_socket::Ipv6EndpointIdHelper< capacity > | Helper to pack IPv6 endpoint into 64-bit EndpointId |
Cndnph::port_transport_socket::Ipv6EndpointIdHelper< 1 > | |
Cndnph::port_transport_socket::Ipv6EndpointIdHelper< 15 > | |
►Cndnph::Decoder::Iterator | Iterator over TLV elements |
Cndnph::Name::Iterator | Iterator over name components |
Cndnph::KeyChain | File based key and certificate store |
►Cndnph::KvStore | File based key-value store |
►Cndnph::PacketStore< Data > | |
Cndnph::KeyChainCerts | File based certificate store |
Cndnph::KeyChainKeys | File based key pair store |
Cndnph::PacketStore< T > | File based packet store |
Cndnph::lp::L3Header | Decoded L3 header fields |
Cndnph::port_fs_linux::detail::Mkdirp | |
Cndnph::mbedtls::Mpi | Multi-Precision Integer |
►Cndnph::detail::NamedKey | |
►Cndnph::detail::NamedPrivateKey< SigType::HmacWithSha256 > | |
Cndnph::HmacKey | HMAC-SHA256 secret key |
►Cndnph::detail::NamedPrivateKey< SigType::Sha256WithEcdsa > | |
Cndnph::ec::EcPrivateKey | EC private key |
►Cndnph::detail::NamedPublicKey< SigType::HmacWithSha256 > | |
Cndnph::HmacKey | HMAC-SHA256 secret key |
►Cndnph::detail::NamedPublicKey< SigType::Sha256WithEcdsa > | |
Cndnph::ec::EcPublicKey | EC public key |
Cndnph::detail::NamedPrivateKey< sigType > | |
Cndnph::detail::NamedPublicKey< sigType > | |
►Cndnph::ndncert::packet_struct::NewRequest | |
Cndnph::ndncert::client::NewRequest | NEW request packet |
Cndnph::ndncert::server::NewRequest | NEW request packet |
►Cndnph::ndncert::packet_struct::NewResponse | |
Cndnph::ndncert::client::NewResponse | NEW response packet |
Cndnph::ndncert::server::NewResponse | NEW response packet |
Cndnph::tlv::NNI | NonNegativeInteger encoding |
Cndnph::tlv::NniElement< N > | Encode to a TLV element where TLV-VALUE is a NonNegativeInteger |
Cndnph::tlv::detail::NNIValue< T > | |
Cndnph::isig::Nonce< nonceLength, nTrackedNonces > | Require SigNonce field in Interest SigInfo |
Cndnph::ndncert::client::Client::Options | |
Cndnph::ndncert::server::Server::Options | |
Cndnph::port_transport_memif::MemifTransport::Options | |
Cndnph::rdr::RdrMetadataConsumer::Options | |
Cndnph::rdr::RdrMetadataProducer::Options | |
Cndnph::SegmentConsumerBase::Options | |
Cndnph::SegmentProducerBase::Options | |
Cndnph::PacketHandler::OutgoingPendingInterest | Helper to keep track an outgoing pending Interest |
Cndnph::mbedtls::P256 | EC curve P256 |
Cndnph::lp::PacketClassify | Decode NDNLPv2 packet for classification |
►Cndnph::PacketHandler | Base class to receive packets from Face |
Cesp8266ndn::UnixTime | Retrieve and maintain UnixTime clock |
Cndnph::PingClient | Periodically transmit Interests to test reachability |
Cndnph::PingServer | Respond to every incoming Interest with empty Data |
►Cndnph::SegmentConsumerBase | |
Cndnph::BasicSegmentConsumer< SegmentConvention, regionCap > | Consumer of segmented object, using a stop-and-wait algorithm |
►Cndnph::SegmentProducerBase | |
Cndnph::BasicSegmentProducer< SegmentConvention, regionCap > | Producer of segmented object |
Cndnph::ndncert::client::Client | Client application |
Cndnph::ndncert::server::Server | Server application |
Cndnph::rdr::RdrMetadataConsumer | Consumer of RDR metadata packet |
Cndnph::rdr::RdrMetadataProducer | Producer of RDR metadata packet |
Cndnph::Face::PacketInfo | |
Cndnph::ndncert::packet_struct::ParameterKV | |
Cndnph::ndncert::packet_struct::ParameterKV::Parser | |
Cndnph::lp::PitToken | PIT token field |
Cndnph::isig::Policy< R0, R1, R2 > | Validation policy for SigInfo fields in signed Interest |
Cndnph::isig::Policy< isig::Nonce<>, isig::Time<> > | |
►Cndnph::Printable | |
Cndnph::Component | Name component |
Cndnph::Data | Data packet |
Cndnph::Interest | Interest packet |
Cndnph::Name | Name |
►CPrintable | |
Cesp8266ndn::PrintHex | Print a buffer in hexadecimal |
Cndnph::port_ec_null::Ec::PrivateKey | Private key |
►Cndnph::PrivateKey | Private key |
Cndnph::detail::NamedPrivateKey< SigType::HmacWithSha256 > | |
Cndnph::detail::NamedPrivateKey< SigType::Sha256WithEcdsa > | |
Cndnph::DigestKey | DigestSha256 signing and verification |
Cndnph::NullKey | Null signature: packet is not signed |
Cndnph::detail::NamedPrivateKey< sigType > | |
Cndnph::port_ec_null::Ec::PublicKey | Public key |
►Cndnph::PublicKey | Public key |
Cndnph::detail::NamedPublicKey< SigType::HmacWithSha256 > | |
Cndnph::detail::NamedPublicKey< SigType::Sha256WithEcdsa > | |
Cndnph::DigestKey | DigestSha256 signing and verification |
Cndnph::NullKey | Null signature: packet is not signed |
Cndnph::detail::NamedPublicKey< sigType > | |
Cesp8266ndn::ndnph_port::RandomSource | Hardware random bytes generator |
Cndnph::port_random_null::RandomSource | Random bytes generator stub |
Cndnph::port_random_urandom::RandomSource | Generate random bytes by reading from urandom device |
Cndnph::convention::RandomValue | Indicate that TLV-VALUE should be a random number |
Cndnph::RefRegion< Obj > | Base class of an object referencing an InRegion object |
►Cndnph::RefRegion< DataObj > | |
Cndnph::detail::SignedDataRef | |
►Cndnph::RefRegion< detail::DataObj > | |
Cndnph::Data | Data packet |
►Cndnph::RefRegion< detail::InterestObj > | |
Cndnph::Nack | Nack packet |
Cndnph::NackHeader | Nack header field |
►Cndnph::RefRegion< InterestObj > | |
►Cndnph::detail::InterestRefBase | |
Cndnph::Interest | Interest packet |
►Cndnph::detail::ParameterizedInterestRef | |
Cndnph::Interest::Parameterized | Result of Interest::parameterize operation |
Cndnph::detail::SignedInterestRef | |
►Cndnph::Region | Region-based memory allocator thats owns memory of NDNph objects |
Cndnph::StaticRegion< 2048 > | |
Cndnph::StaticRegion< 256 > | |
Cndnph::StaticRegion< 512 > | |
Cndnph::DynamicRegion | Region with dynamically allocated memory |
Cndnph::StaticRegion< C > | Region with statically allocated memory |
Cndnph::transport::RxQueueMixin::RxContext | |
Cndnph::transport::RxQueueItem | |
Cesp8266ndn::ndnph_port_freertos::SafeQueue< T, capacity > | Generic thread-safe queue, implemented with FreeRTOS queue API |
Cndnph::port_queue_boostlf::SafeQueue< T, capacity > | Generic thread-safe queue, implemented with Boost Lockfree library |
Cndnph::port_queue_null::SafeQueue< T, capacity > | Generic thread-safe queue stub |
Cesp8266ndn::ndnph_port_freertos::SafeQueue< ndnph::transport::RxQueueItem, NDNPH_TRANSPORT_RXQUEUELEN > | |
Cndnph::SegmentConsumerBase::SaveDest | Destination and context of saving accumulated payload |
Cndnph::isig::SeqNum | Require SigSeqNum field in Interest SigInfo |
Cndnph::ndncert::server::Session | Server session logic |
Cndnph::ndncert::detail::SessionKey | Symmetric key used in CHALLENGE step |
Cesp8266ndn::ndnph_port::Sha256 | SHA256 algorithm, implemented with BearSSL |
Cndnph::mbedtls::Sha256 | SHA256 hash function |
Cndnph::port_sha256_null::Sha256 | Stub SHA256 algorithm implementation |
►Cndnph::SigInfo | SignatureInfo |
Cndnph::DSigInfo | SignatureInfo on Data |
Cndnph::ISigInfo | SignatureInfo on Interest |
►Cndnph::SimpleQueue< T > | Generic non-thread-safe queue |
Cndnph::DynamicSimpleQueue< T > | SimpleQueue with dynamically allocated memory |
Cndnph::StaticSimpleQueue< T, C > | SimpleQueue with statically allocated memory |
Cndnph::isig::detail::Skip< order > | |
Cndnph::isig::detail::Skip< 11 > | |
Cndnph::isig::detail::Skip< 12 > | |
Cndnph::ec::detail::StoredKeyPair | Key pair stored in KeyChain |
Cndnph::isig::Time< maxClockOffset > | Require SigTime field in Interest SigInfo |
Cndnph::port_clock_ino::Clock::Time | |
Cndnph::convention::TimeValue | Indicate that TLV-VALUE should be a timestamp |
Cndnph::port_timingsafe_default::TimingSafeEqual | Timing safe equality comparison |
Cndnph::Decoder::Tlv | Decoded TLV |
►Cndnph::transport::Transport | Base class of low-level transport |
Cesp8266ndn::BleServerTransportBase | |
Cesp8266ndn::EthernetTransport | A transport that communicates over Ethernet |
Cesp8266ndn::UdpTransport | A transport that communicates over UDP tunnel or multicast group |
Cndnph::BridgeTransport | Virtual transport that connects to a peer |
Cndnph::port_transport_memif::MemifTransport | A transport that communicates via libmemif |
Cndnph::port_transport_socket::UdpUnicastTransport | A transport that communicates over IPv4 unicast UDP tunnel |
►Cndnph::transport::RxQueueMixin | Mixin of RX queue in Transport |
►Cndnph::transport::DynamicRxQueueMixin | Mixin of RX queue in Transport, allocating buffers from DynamicRegion |
Cesp8266ndn::BleServerTransportBase | |
Cesp8266ndn::EthernetTransport | A transport that communicates over Ethernet |
Cndnph::BridgeTransport | Virtual transport that connects to a peer |
Cndnph::port_transport_socket::UdpUnicastTransport | A transport that communicates over IPv4 unicast UDP tunnel |
►Cndnph::transport::TransportWrap | Wrap another transport |
Cndnph::transport::ForceEndpointId | Overwrite endpointId of outgoing packets |
Cndnph::transport::Tracer | Print trace logs for each incoming and outgoing packet |
Cndnph::convention::detail::TypedDigest< tlvType > | |
Cndnph::convention::detail::TypedNumber< tlvType > | |
Cndnph::convention::detail::TypedString< tlvType > | |
Cndnph::port_unixtime_systime::UnixTime | Clock implemented with gettimeofday() |
Cndnph::detail::UtcTimezone | |
Cndnph::ValidityPeriod | ValidityPeriod of a certificate |
Cndnph::tlv::Value | A sequence of bytes, usually TLV-VALUE |
►Ctypename std::value | |
Cndnph::detail::EvdElementDefFn< type, repeatable, order, Fn, R,,, type > | |
Cndnph::PacketHandler::WithEndpointId | Set EndpointId of PacketInfo |
Cndnph::PacketHandler::WithPitToken | Set PIT token of PacketInfo |
►Cndnph::WithRegion | Base class of an object associated with a Region |
Cndnph::Face | Network layer face |
►Cndnph::InRegion | Base class of an object allocated in a Region |
Cndnph::detail::DataObj | Fields in Data |
Cndnph::detail::InterestObj | Fields in Interest or Nack |
Cndnph::lp::Fragmenter | NDNLPv2 fragmenter |
Cndnph::lp::Reassembler | NDNLPv2 fragmenter |