▼Nesp8266ndn | |
►Nndnph_port | |
CFileStore | File storage on microcontroller filesystem |
CRandomSource | Hardware random bytes generator |
CSha256 | SHA256 algorithm, implemented with BearSSL |
CHmacSha256 | HMAC-SHA256 algorithm, implemented with BearSSL |
►Nndnph_port_freertos | |
CSafeQueue | Generic thread-safe queue, implemented with FreeRTOS queue API |
CFchResponse | |
CUnixTime | Retrieve and maintain UnixTime clock |
CPrintHex | Print a buffer in hexadecimal |
CBleServerTransportBase | |
CEthernetTransport | A transport that communicates over Ethernet |
CUdpTransport | A transport that communicates over UDP tunnel or multicast group |
▼Nndnph | |
►Nconvention | |
►Ndetail | |
CTypedDigest | |
CTypedString | |
CTypedNumber | |
CRandomValue | Indicate that TLV-VALUE should be a random number |
CTimeValue | Indicate that TLV-VALUE should be a timestamp |
►Ndetail | |
CInputIteratorPointerProxy | Wrap a value to appear as InputIterator::pointer |
CNamedKey | |
CNamedPublicKey | |
CNamedPrivateKey | |
CUtcTimezone | |
CDataSigned | Fields in Data signature |
CDataObj | Fields in Data |
CSignedDataRef | |
CInterestParams | Fields in parameterized/signed Interest |
CInterestObj | Fields in Interest or Nack |
CInterestRefBase | |
CParameterizedInterestRef | |
CSignedInterestRef | |
CEvdElementDefBase | |
CEvdElementDefVoid | |
CEvdElementDefBool | |
CEvdElementDefFn | |
CEvdElementDefDecodable | |
CEvdElementDefIgnore | |
CEvdElementDefNni | |
►Nec | |
►Ndetail | |
CStoredKeyPair | Key pair stored in KeyChain |
CEcPublicKey | EC public key |
CEcPrivateKey | EC private key |
►Nisig | |
►Ndetail | |
►CSkip | |
CEncodeValue | |
CFields | Parsed extension fields from Interest SigInfo |
►CNonce | Require SigNonce field in Interest SigInfo |
CValue | |
CTime | Require SigTime field in Interest SigInfo |
CSeqNum | Require SigSeqNum field in Interest SigInfo |
CPolicy | Validation policy for SigInfo fields in signed Interest |
►Nlp | |
CFragmentHeader | Fragment header fields |
CPitToken | PIT token field |
CEncodableBase | Common fields during encoding |
CEncodable | Encodable type of an LpPacket |
►CFragmenter | NDNLPv2 fragmenter |
CFragment | Singly linked list of encodable fragments |
CL3Header | Decoded L3 header fields |
CFragment | Decoded fragment |
CPacketClassify | Decode NDNLPv2 packet for classification |
CReassembler | NDNLPv2 fragmenter |
►Nmbedtls | Wrappers of Mbed TLS crypto library |
CSha256 | SHA256 hash function |
CHmac | HMAC algorithm |
CMpi | Multi-Precision Integer |
CEcPoint | EC point |
CEcCurvePoint | EC point associated with a curve |
CP256 | EC curve P256 |
CAesGcm | AES-GCM secret key |
►Nndncert | |
►Nclient | |
CChallenge | Client side of a challenge |
CCaProfile | CA profile packet |
CNewRequest | NEW request packet |
CNewResponse | NEW response packet |
CChallengeRequest | CHALLENGE request packet |
CChallengeResponse | CHALLENGE response packet |
►CClient | Client application |
COptions | |
CNopChallenge | The "nop" challenge where the server would approve every request |
CPossessionChallenge | The "possession" challenge where client must present an existing certificate |
►Ndetail | |
CSessionKey | Symmetric key used in CHALLENGE step |
►Npacket_struct | |
►CParameterKV | |
CParser | |
CCaProfile | |
CNewRequest | |
CNewResponse | |
CChallengeRequest | |
CChallengeResponse | |
►Nserver | |
CChallengeResult | |
CChallenge | Server side of a challenge |
CCaProfile | CA profile packet |
CNewRequest | NEW request packet |
CNewResponse | NEW response packet |
CChallengeRequest | CHALLENGE request packet |
CChallengeResponse | CHALLENGE response packet |
CSession | Server session logic |
►CServer | Server application |
COptions | |
CNopChallenge | The "nop" challenge where the server would approve every request |
CPossessionChallenge | The "possession" challenge where client must present an existing certificate |
►Nport_clock_chrono | |
CClock | Clock implemented with std::chrono |
►Nport_clock_ino | |
►CClock | Clock implemented with Arduino API |
CTime | |
►Nport_ec_mbed | |
CEcContext | |
CEcKeyBase | |
CEcPvt | |
CEcPub | |
CEcKeyGen | |
CEc | |
►Nport_ec_null | |
►CEc | Stub ECDSA algorithm implementation |
CCurve | Give information about the curve |
CPrivateKey | Private key |
CPublicKey | Public key |
►Nport_fs_linux | |
►Ndetail | |
CMkdirp | |
CFdCloser | |
CFileStore | File storage on Linux filesystem |
►Nport_fs_null | |
CFileStore | File storage stub |
►Nport_queue_boostlf | |
CSafeQueue | Generic thread-safe queue, implemented with Boost Lockfree library |
►Nport_queue_null | |
CSafeQueue | Generic thread-safe queue stub |
►Nport_random_null | |
CRandomSource | Random bytes generator stub |
►Nport_random_urandom | |
CRandomSource | Generate random bytes by reading from urandom device |
►Nport_sha256_null | |
CSha256 | Stub SHA256 algorithm implementation |
CHmacSha256 | Stub HMAC-SHA256 algorithm implementation |
►Nport_timingsafe_default | |
CTimingSafeEqual | Timing safe equality comparison |
►Nport_transport_memif | |
►CMemifTransport | A transport that communicates via libmemif |
COptions | |
►Nport_transport_socket | |
CIpv6EndpointIdHelper | Helper to pack IPv6 endpoint into 64-bit EndpointId |
CUdpUnicastTransport | A transport that communicates over IPv4 unicast UDP tunnel |
►Nport_unixtime_systime | |
CUnixTime | Clock implemented with gettimeofday() |
►Nrdr | |
►CRdrMetadataProducer | Producer of RDR metadata packet |
COptions | |
►CRdrMetadataConsumer | Consumer of RDR metadata packet |
COptions | |
►Ntlv | |
►Ndetail | |
CNNIValue | |
CNNI | NonNegativeInteger encoding |
CNniElement | Encode to a TLV element where TLV-VALUE is a NonNegativeInteger |
CValue | A sequence of bytes, usually TLV-VALUE |
►Ntransport | |
CForceEndpointId | Overwrite endpointId of outgoing packets |
CRxQueueItem | |
►CRxQueueMixin | Mixin of RX queue in Transport |
CRxContext | |
CDynamicRxQueueMixin | Mixin of RX queue in Transport, allocating buffers from DynamicRegion |
CTracer | Print trace logs for each incoming and outgoing packet |
CTransport | Base class of low-level transport |
CTransportWrap | Wrap another transport |
►CPingClient | Periodically transmit Interests to test reachability |
CCounters | |
CPingServer | Respond to every incoming Interest with empty Data |
►CSegmentConsumerBase | |
COptions | |
CSaveDest | Destination and context of saving accumulated payload |
CBasicSegmentConsumer | Consumer of segmented object, using a stop-and-wait algorithm |
►CSegmentProducerBase | |
COptions | |
CBasicSegmentProducer | Producer of segmented object |
CPrintable | |
CRegion | Region-based memory allocator thats owns memory of NDNph objects |
CStaticRegion | Region with statically allocated memory |
CDynamicRegion | Region with dynamically allocated memory |
CWithRegion | Base class of an object associated with a Region |
CInRegion | Base class of an object allocated in a Region |
CRefRegion | Base class of an object referencing an InRegion object |
CSimpleQueue | Generic non-thread-safe queue |
CStaticSimpleQueue | SimpleQueue with statically allocated memory |
CDynamicSimpleQueue | SimpleQueue with dynamically allocated memory |
CBridgeTransport | Virtual transport that connects to a peer |
►CFace | Network layer face |
CPacketInfo | |
►CPacketHandler | Base class to receive packets from Face |
COutgoingPendingInterest | Helper to keep track an outgoing pending Interest |
CWithEndpointId | Set EndpointId of PacketInfo |
CWithPitToken | Set PIT token of PacketInfo |
CDigestKey | DigestSha256 signing and verification |
CHmacKey | HMAC-SHA256 secret key |
CAesGcmIvHelper | AES-GCM Initialization Vector generator and checker |
CKeyChainKeys | File based key pair store |
CKeyChainCerts | File based certificate store |
CKeyChain | File based key and certificate store |
CNullKey | Null signature: packet is not signed |
CPrivateKey | Private key |
CPublicKey | Public key |
CValidityPeriod | ValidityPeriod of a certificate |
CComponent | Name component |
CData | Data packet |
►CEncryptedMessage | Encrypted message structure |
CInPlace | |
►CInterest | Interest packet |
CParameterized | Result of Interest::parameterize operation |
CNackHeader | Nack header field |
CNack | Nack packet |
►CName | Name |
CIterator | Iterator over name components |
CSigInfo | SignatureInfo |
CISigInfo | SignatureInfo on Interest |
CDSigInfo | SignatureInfo on Data |
CKvStore | File based key-value store |
CPacketStore | File based packet store |
►CDecoder | TLV decoder |
CIterator | Iterator over TLV elements |
CTlv | Decoded TLV |
CEncoder | TLV encoder that accepts items in reverse order |
CScopedEncoder | Encoder that auto-discards upon destruction |
►CEvDecoder | TLV decoder that understands Packet Format v0.3 evolvability guidelines |
CDefaultIsCritical | |
CDefaultUnknownCb | |